Mary Sloat writes novels for middle grade readers. Her stories invariably contain elements of fantasy, magical realism, or science fiction because that's how she sees the world. She also writes short stories that delve into the weird and unexplained.
Perhaps her interest in things dark and mysterious began in her childhood growing up in a 100-year-old farmhouse full of creaks and groans—some of which could be explained. On the farm she once accidentally did a back flip off the rear of a galloping pony and landed on her feet. Though there have been many stumbles since, she has usually managed to stay right side up.
When she's not writing, she volunteers at the Bainbridge BARN Writers' Studio where she organizes classes to educate and inspire her fellow writers. She wants readers of all ages to know that fairytales are more than true not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. (From Neil Gaiman, paraphrasing G.K. Chesterton.)

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